Home / Objectives & Programs / 1-Museum of Palestinian Memory

1-Museum of Palestinian Memory

Sheikh Hassan was one of the victims of the organized crimes of genocide carried out by the gangs of the Zionist movement against the Palestinian people, the original owners of the land. Therefore, in order to preserve the Palestinian collective memory, the Foundation is working to implement a project (the Palestinian Memory Museum) to comprehensively document 675 Palestinian villages that were destroyed by the Zionist gangs. Exactly in 1948, more than nine hundred thousand Palestinians were displaced. They were forced to leave their burned homes and lands, and were forced to leave the bodies of their children, relatives, and loved ones behind them. The reality of this racist, terrorist, colonial entity was exposed before world public opinion, which was silent regarding the continuation of war crimes in occupied Palestine and against the Palestinian refugees, who are now outnumbered. Six million live in exile in refugee camps and in the diaspora



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